Having a pretty website is only a small part of the battle. It needs to be found by your customers when they search for your services. In order to make that work you need to optimize your site so that Google finds it and knows to recommend your business to people searching on Googles web page. The better your site, along with other online strategies are optimized the way Google wants them to be the higher you will rank. Statistical data has shown that as many as 76% of people never scroll past page one when searching! and over 50% of searchers click on one of the first 3 rankings!
SEO has become more complicated and trying to keep up with Google’s ever changing guidelines, algorithms, and terms of service has started to make optimizing your website more like rocket science. No need to worry, you've come to the right place. At ARK innovative, we have a systematic approach to ensuring SEO success for your online business. Our SEO experts look at a whole slew of factors that will help build a strong foundation for your SEO initiatives.
When properly harnessed, SEO is one of the most valuable tools available to your marketing strategy. Showing up on Google's first page for your primary keywords is like winning the lottery. The Search Engines are a virtual gold mine of getting new customers.
We understand what it takes to create a successful SEO campaign and believe that every strategy should be unique to your brand. Let's find out what would work best for you. We've got the knowledge you need.
If you're looking for something a bit more aggressive or something a little different LOCAL SEO PACKAGES then contact us. We will put together a more custom plan to meet your budget!